After 28 years of beach living, my kids are grown and life has taken me to Central Queensland
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Girls
It was a busy day in the henhouse today. Production was above expectations with 10 eggs from 9 hens. The last egg was layed with a softshell during the afternoon garden scratch. I always thought chooks laid 2 eggs each every 3 days....perhaps not.
I am a married 50++ year old and my life is busy and interesting as I work through my bucket list and life magically unfolds for me. I moved to the country in November 2009. I have spent all of my life in South-East Qld apart from overseas jaunts.I find the lifestyle change interesting and would like to share some of my experiences and thoughts with those of you who are not able to (or do not wish to) up-root your life and have a green change. I use the word "green change" lightly as I am in Emerald, Central Queensland, where it is not green for much of the year.