How lucky am I? I have been given an early Mother's day present of 5 silkies....chinese chickens.
They are so docile and amiable, so unlike the other 10 robust chooks in the henhouse. They are still settling in and unless I guide them out of the chicken coup they will sit in there all day, as was the case yesterday. I did not realise they had not moved since I guided them into the coop the night before.
My usual morning ritual is to let the ducks out of the pen and into their grassed yard that has a pond. I try to do this just before sunrise so I can collect the eggs before the crows snatch them for their breakfast. My runner ducks randomly lay around the yard and usually at night.
It appears I will need to rouse the new silkies out of bed at sunrise until they get into the routine of venturing outside of the henhouse. They must have had such a long boring day yesterday....wth only the four walls of the hen house to look at and each other. I suppose some entertainment would have been gained from the occasional visit from the other residents visiting the nesting box. Must brighten their day today!!